August 1, 2022 by Julia Kent
Project Pythia Hackathon Introduces Cookbooks
Project Pythia expanded its Scientific Python Ecosystem educational content during a successful hackathon with the introduction of Cookbooks.
Members of the Project Pythia team gathered in Boulder, CO and remotely for a hybrid hacakthon in late June 2022 to develop content and infrastructure for a new pillar of our learning resources called “Cookbooks.” Pythia Cookbooks provide example workflows on more advanced problems encountered by geoscientists. Cookbooks build on top of skills you learn in the Pythia Foundations book.
During the hackthon, a detailed Cookbook template and contributor’s guide were developed to encourage open-source community engagement. This allowed for the creation and inclusion of 8 Cookbooks which now viewable and filterable in a gallery.
Our perseverance, support, communication, and momentum all benefited from dedicating several days to the project together.