November 17, 2023 by John Clyne

SC23 Visualization Showcase and an HPCWire award


The ViSR team had a strong showing in the Visualization Showcase at SC23 this year, the premier conference for High Performance Computing. Two entries from ViSR were accepted into the event, Visualizing the Impact of the Asian Summer Monsoon on the Composition of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, and Visualizing Megafires: How AI Can Be Used to Drive Wildfire Simulations with Better Predictive Skill. In addition, ViSR’s Scott Pearse was on hand to accept the HPCWire Readers' Choice Award for Best Use of High Performance Data Analytics. The award text stated that “National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientists developed a machine learning model to update fuel maps quickly and accurately, providing significant improvements to wildfire forecasts that could aid in evacuation and fire rescue efforts”. Way to go team!